New Driving School Directory of MTO Approved Schools

One of the biggest problems in finding a good driving school is that it is difficult to find out which ones are ministry approved. The MTO has a listing of all schools by city, but there is no cross linking in it to towns that are close by, so the utility of the page is limited. It works well for people who have a school in mind already and want to verify it, but it does not work well for people who have no idea yet which schools are available in their community.

This is particularly frustrating to people who are either new immigrants, or people who are new to an area and do not have a feel for how local communities are located with respect to each other.

As a convenience to every potential driving school student in Ontario, we have compiled a Directory of all MTO approved Driving Schools in Ontario.

The list is segmented by community, and where possible, we have put in links to nearby communities that have MTO approved schools in them. This is especially helpful in smaller communities in southern Ontario where there may be only one school in your local community, but there may be others close by. We have also tried to put in references to communities that do not have a driving school, but are within the service area of other communities that do.

You can find the full driving academy and driving school listing here.